No need to type in even the recipient's e-mail addresses, or even their names
Semantic email addressing (SEA) lets users send email to a semantically specified group of recipients. It provides all of the functionality of static email mailing lists, but because users can maintain their own profiles, they don't need to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change email addresses. Because of its targeted nature, SEA could help combat unintentional spam and preserve the privacy of email addresses and even individual identities.

This feature can also be extended to delivering mass emails to groups but the limitation being the amount of information thae system has about each recipient of the group.Rich database can seemingly solve this problem but the technical challenge is setting up an integrated version of the data that SEAmail can access easily is still at bay.But this email system cannot be foolproof and we have to wait a bit longer to see it work out more functionally for wider use.
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