Is it Old wine in a new bottle? Or is it an old car with a new paint?Or is it a superb mod with a new character and biking glory? - We at Technosquare take a look at this Xbox 360 exclusive expansion for Grand Theft Auto 4 -Lost And Damned.
The Lost and Damned focusses on a brand-new protagonist (biker Johnny Klebbitz) and that it would add plenty of content in the form of new music, rides, weapons, and characters - 54 songs, 20 vehicles and 6 weapons along with additional solo and multiplayer modes to be precise.

Johnny, the comparatively cool second in command of the gang, The Lost, has spent some time healing the wounds of prior gang wars. The peace is short-lived though, as Billy Grey, the id-driven president of The Lost, returns from a stint at the Alderney State Correctional Facility. To reassert his dominance and send a message to any potential usurpers, Billy bashes a few heads and rekindles trouble for The Lost. Unlike Niko Bellic who is a new comer to America like a fish out of water who has to find new work,unkock safe houses etc,Johnny is a long time resident of the concrete jungle and has all the weapons,safe houses and connections right from the beginning of the game.The safe houses now will be places where you will interact with your fellow biker bros,play cards and do arm wrestling.The game creates the oneness of the biker fraternity by encouraging you to protect your bros and the more longer they are alive the better they'll get and the more help youll get -but if one of them die,theyll be replaced with another with zero credentials.

The Lost and Damned expansion is certainly much more than horse armor or a few extra added missions. Apart from the usual missions provided by the game characters,side missions include bike races and gang wars ,the latter being a biker death match scenario.The new Multiplayer elements help to extend the life of the game-bike races (complete with bats) , and a fantastic 1-on-1 mode called Chopper vs Chopper session to name a few. There are several other modes, usually motorcycle club-themed, but if you’ve played a ton of GTA 4 multiplayer already, you probably won’t find the rest of the modes all that fresh.
Rockstar claims this Xbox 360-exclusive addition features the same attention to detail and production values as the original Grand Theft Auto IV.The Lost and Damned, it's clear the expansion will feature the same mature narrative, great voice work, and action-packed mayhem of GTAIV. It's especially rewarding to see the intertwining stories of Johnny and Niko play out.
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